My air fare secrets - Fired Travel Agent Reveals How To Get Dirt Cheap Airfare Tickets!

My air fare secrets - Fired Travel Agent Reveals How To Get Dirt Cheap Airfare Tickets!


''I Was Fired By The Airlines.
This Guide Is My
Revenge! "

"It's so easy for me to fly for less, it's like taking candy from a helpless baby! I spend almost next to nothing on all my travels, and my jaw drops every time as I watch what others just like you are paying for your tickets. At last, the shocking truth will be revealed in my explosive guide on how to travel for less - the same guide that my ex-boss is having nightmares about every day!"


Tony Morrison - Fired

I was a hard-working travel agent for 16 years at a major airline corporation..

...Until they decided to fire me one morning over a completely bogus reason!  Here's my way of saying "no thank you" when they offered me a new contract earlier this year.
With my extensive insider knowledge, I'm bringing forth this mind-blowing informational guide on how you can save a truckload of money on traveling -- the secrets that only the ones in this industry would ever be familiar with.

This guide was last updated with the newest information in July 2009  

I guarantee that once you finish reading my guide, you will be BLOWN COMPLETELY AWAY at just how much you've been ripped off, overcharged, and even outright lied to by the airline corporations over the years. At last, somebody will stand up to be on your side.  I personally promise you that the secrets I reveal here will shock you more than any horror movies you may have ever watched. Read on further to discover why airline companies are panicking every day to try and get this information forever banned from the public!

Information will work with any airline, worldwide!

CRITICAL UPDATE: Upon completion of this guide, I have received multiple threatening letters from major airline companies.  Authorities from a number of major airlines have contacted my host in multiple occasions to try and forever ban this information from ever being released to the public!   I've had untold struggles with major airline authorities, as well as my own attorney in order to bring forth this explosive information to you. My mission is to save YOU money.  I have toiled every step, and will fight every obstacle to provide you with the classified air savings information that airline companies are panicking about every minute of the day!

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