Hybrid water power - Run Your Car On Water

Hybrid water power - Run Your Car On Water

And all you need to do is JUST ADD WATER!

  • Easy to install, complete system fits almost any car!
  • Uses water and your battery to save Huge Dollars every month!
  • Some users have DOUBLED their mileage (and better!) even though they drive big Vehicles!
  • Little Known Fact: Water Safely Stores an Enormous Amount of Energy Just Waiting To Be Freed Like A Tiger in your Tank. YOU will hold the KEY By the Time You're Done reading This!
  • Works with BOTH Fuel Injection and Carburetors, Cleaning Out The gunk and sludge while it steam cleans your engine and reduces emissions- ideal for reducing Global Warming!
  • New Cars, Old Cars, Hot Cars, Cold Cars - It works with all!
  • Tens of Thousands of People around the world are Using this technology Right Now as you read this, and are smiling all the way to the bank!
  • The IRS offers alternative energy deductions for Hydrogen in your Car! Find out how...


How Does This Thing Work?

HHO graphic It operates on a 100 year old proven technology called electrolysis.

Whenever you place two pieces of metal in water, and apply electricity, the water separates into it's basic molecules, Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O).

If you look at the picture on the left, you will see H2O molecules connected together in their liquid form which is WATER

But when you apply electricity (from your car battery), the molecules separate and form a GAS (called HHO) which is a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen.

This HHO GAS is then sucked into your engine and mixed along with the air from the air filter. As the gasoline is ignited in your engine, the HHO GAS is too, making it MORE powerful than gasoline alone.

This is MUCH BETTER than Just Plain Hydrogen because you are also making extra Oxygen which causes the gasoline to burn FASTER and CLEANER resulting in BETTER mileage and a much CLEANER EXHAUST!


The GREAT NEWS, is that you can easily put together a system like below, using commonly available plumbing and electrical parts from your local Home Improvement center, and be SAVING GAS right away!


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