How To Build A Lag Switch Best Tutorial

How To Build A Lag Switch Best Tutorial

How To Build A Lag Switch Best Tutorial

I show it in great detail how to build a lag switch. This can be used for Xbox 360 and PS3. If you have any questions please leave a comment or private message me. Please Rate, Comment, and Subscribe. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE PLEASE FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS. So you flip your switch and immediately get disconnected? Follow these steps to get some lag time.
1. Start to setup an internet connection.
2. Pick Wired
3. This is where most people get the settings horribly wrong. Pick MANUAL! (Picking easy will waste precious time looking for your information after you flip the switch, while having already memorized will allow it to re-connect faster)
4. Enter your IP information (if you don't know your ip address then setup an easy configuration, then look at it from the internet information option)
5. Pick 10base-T half duplex as your ethernet type.
6. Keep MTU at 1500.
7. Disable everything, other than UPnP. Leave UPnP enabled.
8. Test your connection to make sure that it works.
9. You should now be set.